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Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, commonly known as big head disease, can be a big problem for horses grazing oxalate-rich pasture grasses. Big head disease due to oxalate overconsumption is an issue for many Australian horse owners as Victoria-based horse owner Louise Spencer recently found out. After speaking with her veterinarian, Louise got in touch with a Kentucky Equine Research nutrition advisor to help manage the disease in her pony mare Bubbles.

“No one in my area ever had a problem before,” Spencer said. “I had to contact multiple veterinary hospitals until someone could help me diagnose Bubbles with big head. After speaking with a Kentucky Equine Research nutrition advisor and starting Bubbles on KER Bone Food Plus, she is doing great and her symptoms of the disease seem to be under control.”

In mature horses, it can take up to 12 months for bones to remineralise once the diet is corrected. “Bubbles had her six-month dental check-up after being diagnosed with big head and starting on KER Bone Food Plus, and the good news is that her molar arcades have gone from being completely flat to about 75% back to where they should be,” explained Spencer. “This news has made me and my equine dentist very happy with how she’s progressing.”

KER Bone Food Plus is scientifically formulated to supply the essential building blocks to optimise bone development, health and strength. KER Bone Food Plus contains a combination of a calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin K, zinc, copper, magnesium and manganese, which all play an important role in bone health.

Interested in learning more about KER Bone Food Plus? Visit our website or consult with a Kentucky Equine Research nutrition advisor today.


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