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Our fast-growing three-month-old foal was diagnosed with physitis in both hind fetlocks. We first noticed swelling about one month ago. At that time, we prohibited the foal from further accessing his dam's grain, as he was eating quite a bit of it. We started him on balancer pellets but then took him off those as well because of the high protein content. I have limited his turnout to a small paddock. He shows no sign of lameness. What should I do?


Physitis is not one of the more severe orthopedic problems diagnosed in foals and rarely has permanent effects on the long-term soundness of the horse. However, it can be painful for young growing horses, and compensating for the pain might strain additional parts of the body, including other immature joints. Therefore, a proactive approach to treating foals is wise.

Excluding the foal from its mother’s feed tub is an excellent idea, because it is difficult to measure how much of the meal the foal is eating. Some mares allow their foals to eat the majority of the feed. The foals you don’t have to worry about are those that are kept away from the feed tub by mares that are more strict or protective of their feed.

If the foal was over four months of age, weaning would be recommended, but at three months it is still a little young to take that step. If the physitis was causing noticeable lameness, then it may be a consideration, but it does not sound like that is the case with this foal.

Reducing caloric intake is recommended to slow growth. Growth may slow but it will not stop; therefore, you should supply the foal with the vital nutrients for healthy growth. Cutting the foal back to a balancer pellet was a good step, but cutting all fortification is not ideal. Without fortification (such as what the balancer pellets provide), the foal will not get the supplemental protein, vitamins, and minerals necessary for proper bone and tissue development.

Contrary to popular belief, overconsumption of protein is not responsible for orthopedic problems and is vitally important for healthy bone and tissue growth. Nutrition-related bone problems are usually caused by excessive calories from carbohydrates. Your concern about the protein content of the balancer pellets stems from a misunderstanding. The amount of protein in a balancer product needs to be high because the intake is so low. For example, if you feed 1 kg of a 10% protein concentrate feed, it supplies 100 g of protein. A balancer pellet is trying to supply that amount of protein in only 400 g of feed. This is why most balancers need to be at least 25% protein (400 g x 0.25 = 100 g protein).

Restricting activity of the foal is sometimes recommended because it can help keep the foal from becoming sore on stressed joints. This is particularly important if the foal shows any signs of lameness.

In short, I would keep the foal on reduced exercise until the swelling reduces, especially if he is rambunctious, and maintain him on the balancer pellet. You might have to revisit his diet after weaning, depending on how he handles the separation, with special consideration given to his body condition and his joint health.

Consultation with a veterinarian is important in all cases of physitis, so be sure to loop in a veterinarian with orthopedic experience.


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