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Amanda Ross has earned qualifying scores for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics on not one, not two, but all three of her upper-level event horses. Hear from her how she fuels her elite team of athletes:

“Being an oil, a lot of people think it’s about fat, shiny horses, and good coats and skin. And it does have that benefit, but for me, there are two things that are really important,” Amanda says. “The omega-3 oils have great properties to help inflammation. Our horses are working so hard. They’re on all sorts of different ground, they’re galloping, they’re doing flatwork. In order to be able to keep their joints and their muscles in great condition and to reduce inflammation, EO-3 is a fantastic product to really combat that problem.”

Amanda continues, “The other thing that I really like about this is it helps with more efficient oxygenation of red blood cells. The oil makes the little red blood cells more flexible basically. So those red blood cells can go faster through the small capillaries, meaning that the oxygen gets delivered faster around the body.”

What is EO-3?

EO-3 is a rich source of the long–chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA in liquid form.

EO-3 can be fed to all classes of horses, including foals, breeding stock, and performance horses, to improve the critical ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in the diet.

EO-3 provides preferential precursors for production of anti-inflammatory local hormones and regulates gene expression to positively affect insulin sensitivity.

Why Use EO-3?

  • Ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s is 12:1.
  • Benefits of DHA- and EPA-mediated inflammatory response include reduction in joint inflammation, allergic reactivity, equine asthma (such as IAD and RAO).
  • Improves glucose tolerance.
  • Strengthens immune function.
  • Increases red blood cell flexibility, which reduces the risk of exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH).
  • Reproductive benefits include improved fertility and colostrum quality, enhanced passive transfer of antibodies to foals, and increased sperm concentration, motility, and viability.
  • Deodorised fish oil with cherry flavor added for palatability.

Chart shpowing Long-Chain Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Commonly Fed OilsNot All Omega-3 Sources are Equal

EO-3 contains more long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) compared to other omega-3 supplements.

Plant-based supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids in the short-chain form, and the conversion process in horses to the long-chain form is inefficient.

EO-3 has an omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of 12:1, compared to a linseed which is 3:1 and canola oil which is 1:1.5. Adding 30ml of EO-3 will provide more benefits associated with omega-3 supplementation than a plant-based supplement.


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