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Water intake is vital for maintaining the health and wellbeing of all horses. Horse owners who take their horses out to compete understand there is nothing as frustrating as getting to a show only to discover that their horse won’t drink. When horses refuse to drink, they are at risk of dehydration and this is compounded further if the horse is exercising and sweating. Horse owner Bec Warren recently found this out and was relieved to find a solution in KER Drink-Up.

“After a very hot, humid day competing, our mare was not drinking,” Warren said. “We had brought water from home and tried all the usual tricks but still she wouldn’t drink. A friend gave me a sachet of Drink-Up to try. I didn’t believe how good it was until I tried it!”

“I filled the bucket, poured in the sachet and lifted the bucket for her try–and she didn’t hesitate, she drank! Thank you so much for a super product, I couldn’t believe how effective it was to get our very fussy mare to drink. Such a relief. It will be a staple in our kit from now on!”

Drink-Up is a scientifically formulated, highly palatable blend of ingredients proven to increase a horse’s willingness to drink. Field studies have shown that 90% of horses increased their water intake when offered Drink-Up. Drink-Up includes a small amount of KER Restore, an electrolyte to further stimulate the thirst response.

Encouraging your horse to drink when travelling, competing or during illness is crucial in reducing the risk of dehydration and associated problems. Drink-Up is an essential tool for encouraging your horse to drink right to the bottom of the bucket and should be a staple in every horse owner’s feed room and float!


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