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I show my 10-year-old Paint mare in Western pleasure and horsemanship classes. I am pleased with her body condition (moderate), coat, and hooves on a diet consisting of alfalfa hay (3-4 flakes multiple times a day) and 2 cups of a low-NSC performance pellet. I ride her 30-60 minutes six days a week. To improve her muscle soreness, overall body stiffness, and quietness, I am wondering if supplemental vitamin E would be beneficial.


While the alfalfa hay is meeting your mare’s energy (calorie), protein, and macromineral requirements, the total diet is undersupplying key trace minerals due to the small amount of concentrate being offered. I recommend adding a well-formulated vitamin/mineral supplement to provide these nutrients without adding more calories to the diet. Offering a complete and balanced diet is key to supporting long-term health and performance.

Kentucky Equine Research has formulated two antioxidant products, Nano-E (natural-source, highly bioavailable vitamin E) and Nano-Q10 (coenzyme Q10), that may be appropriate for your mare. Both of these products promote muscle health by reducing the oxidative damage that occurs as a natural byproduct of exercise.

If changes in the diet do not alleviate your mare’s muscle soreness, consult with your veterinarian for further recommendations.


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