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I ride in endurance competitions, 25 to 40 miles at a slow 4-6 mph. My horse does not have a problem during these short rides. I give him Restore SR and EquiShure the night before and 4-5 hours before the race with his grain. He has free-choice orchardgrass and water always. I’m going to start using the Restore Paste after the race instead of the Restore SR. At what point in race or training should I give more electrolytes? Should it be when I move up into 50-mile rides and beyond? During the race or training session, should I give more Restore SR or give Restore Paste? I love this sport and want to do what’s best for my horse.


During training, a powdered electrolyte like Restore SR (Restore in Australia) top-dressed on feed daily. Calculating the correct amount to give is based on a combination of factors including duration and intensity of the work, the amount of visible sweat, temperature, and humidity. Learn more about how to calculate electrolyte needs for endurance horses. From your description, it seems as though you’re doing fine.

Feeding both Restore SR and EquiShure, available in the U.S., Australia, and elsewhere, the night before and morning of a race will ensure sodium stores and other electrolytes are stocked and available during the race. This too is a good idea.

When you move up to 50-mile races, electrolyte supplementation is recommended at every rest stop, or at least starting from the middle of the race to the end. This can be given as Restore Paste or as Restore SR added to a meal offered during the stop. For 50-mile and longer races, calcium and magnesium need to be replaced in addition to sodium, potassium, and chloride to prevent metabolic disturbances such as thumps from occurring. I would recommend adding calcium gluconate or calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide to Restore SR and giving as a homemade paste or adding these ingredients to the meal as well.

It is vital when administering  electrolytes, especially commercial pastes, that the horse has access to water and is readily drinking. If the horse does not drink, do not administer large doses of electrolyte products.

After the race, continue with your normal top-dressed electrolyte supplementation. However, within the first 24 hours post-race, you may want to add an additional 1-2 ounces of Restore SR per meal to ensure complete replenishment of electrolyte stores and rehydration.


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