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Our pony hunter (Welsh-cross, 13.1 hands, 750 lb or 340 kg) has been on EquiShure for a long time, and this product has helped him a lot with hindgut problems. This summer, with its unrelenting heat, we started him on the electrolyte Restore, which increased his stamina but has seemingly loosened his manure. I would like to continue to use both products, but not if there’s a longstanding negative effect. The pony is currently being fed timothy hay, ration balancer, 1 oz table salt, 60 g Restore, and 80 g EquiShure. What do you think?


Based on your pony’s size, the combination of salt, Restore, and EquiShure oversupply sodium in normal conditions and falls into the high acceptable range for hot, humid conditions. The ration balancer that you are feeding also likely provides salt. Consumption could be further amplified if your pony has access to and uses a salt block. Some ponies and horses lick salt blocks out of curiosity or boredom, not for their want of salt.

As you alluded to in your inquiry, overconsumption of salt can lead to a loosening of manure, even diarrhea in severe cases.

To determine if overconsumption is the problem here, reduce the Restore to 30 g per day and the salt to 15 g (about 0.5 oz) per day. These changes will provide the appropriate electrolyte levels for light work in a hot, humid environment. Because you observed improvement with your current dosage of EquiShure prior to adding Restore, I would continue feeding that amount.

Another suggestion would be to divide the supplements across three meals instead of two, as that may prove helpful. If overconsumption of salt is the cause for the loose manure, this should provide relief.





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