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My horse is currently receiving an amino acid supplement because he has myofibrillar myopathy (MFM). I would like to switch him to MFM Pellet, recommended by my vet for the critical amino acids it contains. How do I phase out the old supplement and phase in MFM Pellet? How long do horses typically stay on this course of supplementation? 


To transition from one supplement to a similar one, it is best to use a gradual approach. In this case, start by replacing about 10% of the daily recommended amount of the old supplement with 10% of the daily recommended amount of MFM Pellet. Feed this amount for a few days, being watchful of any feed refusal. Repeat until the horse is completely weaned from the old supplement and is consuming the recommended daily amount of MFM Pellet.

This changeover will take time but will provide the smoothest, safest transition for your horse.

MFM Pellet is intended for long-term use, as the product does not cure horses of the disease. Rather, it provides the nutritional support necessary to reduce clinical signs of the disease and to make the horse more comfortable in his work. If a horse responds positively to MFM Pellet, as many do, removing the supplement from the diet may cause the horse to express clinical signs of disease once again.


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