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The clicks have been tallied! The top five articles published on Equinews in 2015 are now ranked, and we thought you’d enjoy a recap of your favorites. Enjoy the countdown!

5. Feeding Hay: Nets or Ground?

With all the options available for getting hay into your horse—think about it: nets, feeders, mangers, bags, automatic feeders, from the ground—what’s the best way to feed your horse hay? That depends on the horse and the situation. Get the advantages and disadvantages of each system now.

4. Corn Oil for Horses: Omega-3s and Omega-6s

The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids underscore their importance in equine diets. In choosing an oil for horses—whether it’s intended as a calorie-booster or a coat-enhancer—corn oil has been a go-to product for decades. Nutritionists now recommend other oils because of lower omega-6 content, especially for horses that receive concentrate meals. If not corn oil, what kind of oil? Find out here.

3. Dealing with Hungry Horses

Horses express “hanger” clearly and often noisily. Cartoonists might best describe the racket that precedes mealtime in some barns: kaboom, bam, kapow! Though the cacophony raised by a stable’s occupants before a meal can be oh-so maddening, what’s behind it? Is a hangry horse ruining a peaceful barn experience for you? Learn how to quiet the storm.

2. Feeding for Dapples

A gleaming coat reflects fine health and well-being among horses and ponies. Grooming intensity and frequency as well as nutritional status are two obvious explanations for a top-notch hair coat. In addition to those factors, nutritional supplements that target shiny, healthy coats are among the most popular dietary products in the United States. How can you feed your horse to make his dapples dance? Get the tips!

1. Ulcers in Horses: Digestive Supplements and Acid Rebound

Diagnosing gastric ulcers in horses and clearing them with omeprazole takes commitment, but the benefits of gastrointestinal well-being outweigh any outlay of time, money, or inconvenience. As horse owners wrap up an ulcer-healing protocol, they should be aware of one side effect of omeprazole therapy, a condition known as acid rebound. Learn more!


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