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Photo of a horse with a sarcoid on her cheek
February 09, 2022

Immunotherapy Improves Recovery Odds of Horses with Sarcoids

A recently developed technique called “sarcoid immunotherapy” could be the solution to reducing sarcoidosis in horses. Read more
Senior horse
January 26, 2022

Muscle Loss: Atrophy Scoring System for Horses Introduced

Researchers set out to create a simple scoring system to assess muscle atrophy and to determine if atrophy was Read more
Young Thoroughbred Horse Looking Out of his Stall in a Training Barn
December 13, 2021

Microbiota Matters: Colic Duration and Lesion Location in Horses

To understand the role of microbiota in horses with colic, researchers observed changes at three key time points during Read more
Horse manure on trailer
December 08, 2021

Stem the Flow: Free Fecal Water in Horses

Horses with free fecal water syndrome usually have normal manure, but produce and expel liquid either during defecation or Read more
December 06, 2021

Equine Asthma: Muscular Changes in Airways

Understanding airway remodeling in mild asthmatic cases may help veterinarians develop biomarkers to assess disease progression and response to therapy.    Read more
Close-up of a racehorse's legs during a gallop
November 17, 2021

Muscle Problems in Equine Athletes: Making the Most of Nutrition

Thoughtful management strategies, including careful attention to nutrition and exercise requirements, can relieve clinical signs of diagnosed myopathies. Read more
Horse eating hay
November 08, 2021

Predicting Insulin Dysregulation in Horses: Biomarker Measurement

Identification of certain biomarkers indicate metabolic and inflammatory glitches in humans. Researchers set out to determine if the same Read more
Woman in barn aisle with senior horse
October 20, 2021

Equine Osteoarthritis: Comparing Treatments

Chronic concussion and trauma can lead to osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that can sideline horses permanently if not addressed. Read more
Vet In Discussion With Horse Owner
September 08, 2021

Gastric Ulcers in Horses: Search for Biomarkers, Treatments Continues

Researchers are working on noninvasive ways to diagnose and monitor horses with equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS). Read more
Fat horse in pasture
August 30, 2021

High Alert: Obesity Puts Horses at Risk for Asthma

According to Texas A&M University researchers, overweight horses had ten times higher odds of developing asthma than horses at Read more

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