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Horse laying down in sand
February 28, 2011

Management Practices to Minimize Colic

Reducing the occurrence of colic is possible when sound management practices are followed. Read more
Blanketed Horse in Pasture
February 25, 2011

Lower Critical Temperature for Horses

Body temperature of horses is influenced by the ambient temperature, wind, sunlight, precipitation, and relative humidity. The most common Read more
Foal laying down in grass
February 24, 2011

Foal Diarrhea and Prebiotics

In the second year, both treated and untreated foals in the study group had similarly low rates of diarrhea, Read more
Two girls with a horse
February 23, 2011

Strangles Test Developed

A rapid diagnostic test for strangles in horses has been perfected by a team of researchers from the University Read more
Horses grazing in pasture
February 22, 2011

Decreasing the Risk of Colic in Horses

Management appears to play the greatest role in decreasing the risk of colic. Read more
Facial Sarcoid Tumor
February 22, 2011

Mistletoe for Sarcoid Treatment

Mistletoe extract is one of the most recent developments in sarcoid treatment. Read more
February 21, 2011

Sick Foals: Odds Are in Their Favor

Sick foals that end up in neonatal intensive care units usually have a pretty good chance of surviving, according Read more
Chestnut horse galloping through snow
February 17, 2011

Cold Weather Adaptations Keep Horses Comfortable

Very old, very young, sick, or extremely thin horses may need to be blanketed or brought into deep-bedded stalls Read more
Horse's hooves
February 16, 2011

Participants Needed for Shivers Study

Shivers is a neurologic disorder characterized by muscle tremors, tail elevation, excessive flexion or extension of the hind legs Read more
Two girls with a horse
February 15, 2011

Tricky Business: Assessing Body Condition from Photographs

The scale was created so that horsemen have a standard by which to evaluate a horse's weight. Read more

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