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KER research horse grazing in a pasture.
September 22, 2021

Copper Poisoning in Horses

While copper deficiency can wreak havoc on skeletal and neuromuscular systems, acute and cumulative copper toxicity can lead to Read more
Wood Tick
September 15, 2021

Where Do Ticks Stick on Your Horse?

Researchers in the southwest U.S. recently set out to determine the seasonality of tick infestations and attachment site preferences Read more
Vet In Discussion With Horse Owner
September 08, 2021

Gastric Ulcers in Horses: Search for Biomarkers, Treatments Continues

Researchers are working on noninvasive ways to diagnose and monitor horses with equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS). Read more
Horse on overgrazed pasture
September 03, 2021

Soil Ingestion in Horses: What’s Normal?

A recent study took a look at how much soil horses eat under normal grazing conditions and its potential Read more
Fat horse in pasture
August 30, 2021

High Alert: Obesity Puts Horses at Risk for Asthma

According to Texas A&M University researchers, overweight horses had ten times higher odds of developing asthma than horses at Read more
Young Thoroughbred Horse Looking Out of his Stall in a Training Barn
August 25, 2021

Wearable Monitors May Help Equine Rehabilitation

An inertial measurement unit (IMU) can help owners track the movement of stall-bound horses and help owners recognize when Read more
Horse getting hosed off
August 23, 2021

Relinquish the Sweat Scraper to Best Cool Horses

A recent study shows that constant contact with water is more important for heat conduction than producing and using Read more
Vet In Discussion With Horse Owner
August 20, 2021

Ins and Outs of Transdermal NSAID in Horses

If you’re fighting tooth and nail to administer oral medications, the introduction of a transdermal option often pleases horses Read more
Drowsy horse standing over stall guard
August 18, 2021

Antimicrobial Use in Horses: Double-Edged Sword

Veterinarians prescribe antibiotic drugs to horses faced with infections however antibiotics can come with adverse side effects and long-term Read more
Veterinarian performing a neurologic exam on a horse.
August 16, 2021

Wobbly Horse: What’s Wrong with Him?

Researchers reviewed medical records of horses diagnosed with spinal ataxia, and, surprisingly, found that EPM was not a top Read more

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