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Feed Ingredients

May 06, 2024

All About Chia Seeds for Horses

While the effects of chia have yet to be studied in horses, horse owners often supplement equine diets with Read more
April 10, 2024

Fortified Feed, Ration Balancer, or Vitamin and Mineral Supplement for Horses: Which Do I Choose?

Forage should be considered the foundation of all horse diets, but most horses require a feed or supplement to Read more
Horse eating grain from a ground feed pan in a stall.
April 03, 2024

Elimination Diets for Horses

What is a horse owner to do if a horse’s diet is suspected of causing an adverse reaction? The Read more
January 29, 2024

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation May Reduce Oxidative Damage of Cells, Tissues

Longer-chain, highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids may actually attenuate lipid peroxidation, according to researchers. Read more
Soy beans in the field almost ready to harvest
January 08, 2024

Soy for Horses: Facts and Fallacies

Soybeans and soybean byproducts are commonly used as ingredients in horse feeds, and some should be considered high-quality protein Read more
November 15, 2023

Prebiotic Powers of Sugar Beet Pulp Explored in Horses

Sugar beet pulp purportedly has prebiotic effects that support the hindgut microbiome, thereby fostering well-being. Read more
September 13, 2023

Feeding Horses: When Not to Feed That Hay

All horse owners run into red flags when doling out hay, leaving them to ask, “What is that in Read more
July 17, 2023

Selecting Hay: Type of Grass, Timing of First Cut Are Considerations for Many Horses

Horse owners should consider their horses’ health concerns in choosing an appropriate hay, including harvest time. Read more
Hay cubes in scoop
August 24, 2022

Forage Alternatives for Horses

A forage alternative may be an appropriate choice for horses when finding good-quality hay becomes challenging. Read more
Horse eating hay
July 20, 2022

Starch Improves Digestibility of Low-Quality Forage in Horse Diets

According to a recent study, starch-rich diets may help improve digestibility of fiber when horses are fed low-quality forages. Read more

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