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Paint mare with foal nursing
June 14, 2011

Drinking and Eating Behavior in Foals

Mare’s milk provides all the nutritional needs of foals in the first six to eight weeks of life. By Read more
Chestnut mare grazes with nursing foal
May 18, 2011

Nutrition of Mares Influences Milk Characteristics and Development of Foals

The nutrition of the mare affects growth and development of the foal both in utero and via milk production. In foals, Read more
Thin horse grazing in pasture
April 18, 2011

Putting Weight on a Thin Horse: Just the Basics

The first step to helping a clinically normal horse gain weight is to determine how much digestible energy the Read more
Weanlings in field
March 18, 2011

Growth Comparisons Between Warmbloods and Thoroughbreds

Growth patterns of foals often leave breeders scratching their heads. Some young horses grow steadily, never going through an Read more
Bags of corn
March 08, 2011

Horse Feed Manufacture in India

Traditional horse-feeding practices in India involve the use of crushed oats, wheat bran, horse gram (a bean), jaggery (dried Read more
Mare an foal walking through lush pasture
March 04, 2011

Optimal Growth: The Importance of Monitoring Growth Rate

Optimal growth rate results in a desirable body size at a specific age with the fewest number of developmental Read more
Mare an foal walking through lush pasture
March 02, 2011

Creep Feeding Foals: Still in Vogue?

Creep feeding, a feeding system that ensures mares do not consume concentrate meant for the foals, is still practiced, Read more
Foal running in pasture
February 25, 2011

Nature Versus Nurture: Factors that Affect Growth of Horses

Because birth weight influences mature body weight in some breeds, breeders aim to produce heavy foals at birth. A Read more
Horse sniffing a woman holding a clipboard while standing on a scale to record weight.
February 09, 2011

Body Condition Scoring

Body condition score (BCS) is the number from 1 to 9 that describes the amount of fat and muscle Read more
Show jumper over fence
January 20, 2011

Assessing Energy Balance

Few feeding guidelines for mature horses give recommendations on how to manipulate the diet to alter body condition score. Read more

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