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March 06, 2024

Accurately Estimating Body Weight of Horses: Why and How

Up to half of all horses are considered overweight, and many of these are obese. For some, the obesity Read more
March 01, 2024

What Is It About Spring Grass That Makes My Horse’s Body Grumble?

While spring grass seems the most natural of feedstuffs for horses and ponies, it can stir up health concerns Read more
February 28, 2024

No Causative Gene Found for Vitamin E Deficiency Disease in Horses

The best way to prevent eNAD/EDM is to supplement pregnant mares and their foals up to two years of Read more
Mare and foal grazing
February 26, 2024

Shedding Light on Melatonin in Mares

Researchers suggested that higher melatonin production may help prepare the mare for foaling and ensure the neonate’s chances of Read more
February 21, 2024

The Heavy Hand of Equine Obesity

The ever-expanding girth of horses and ponies negatively affects performance even before metabolic issues arise. Read more
February 19, 2024

Don’t Rely on Physical Appearance to Assess Risk of EMS and Laminitis

Visually assessing body condition score or fat deposits is not a reliable way of determining risk for equine metabolic Read more
February 12, 2024

Gastric Impaction in Horses: Poor Outcomes and Possible Diet Changes

Gastric impactions occur when feed material persists in the stomach after prolonged fasting, generally defined as more than 24 Read more
January 29, 2024

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation May Reduce Oxidative Damage of Cells, Tissues

Longer-chain, highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids may actually attenuate lipid peroxidation, according to researchers. Read more
Pony eating hay
January 24, 2024

Feeding Ponies: Gauging Owner Confidence

In one survey, self-reported confidence in horse husbandry did not translate into effectively implementing weight management approaches. Read more
gastrosocpy, scoping stomach
January 17, 2024

Managing Refractory Glandular Gastric Disease in Horses: Steps to Treatment Success

In lieu of the “scope-treat-scope-treat” cycle in horses with refractory glandular disease, a stepwise holistic approach might be effective. Read more

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