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Lindsey Leach of Harrodsburg, Kentucky and her seven-year-old Quarter Horse Baron are leading the national standings for the American Ranch Horse Association in two divisions of novice amateur ranch riding.

In February, Baron experienced a tying-up episode that resulted in weight loss and overall poor health. When tying-up, horses can show a range of signs from mere reluctance to move to severe colic and recumbency. In addition to clinical signs, horses that tie-up will have moderate to marked elevations in certain muscle proteins and enzymes, including creatine kinase (CK) activity. In Baron’s case, his CK level was nine times the normal amount.

Worried about his recovery time and future health, Lindsey reached out to her local vet who recommended RE-LEVE® and Nano-E® to prevent future bouts of tying-up. Lindsey started seeing results within a month of using both products. Since starting her horse on RE-LEVE and Nano-E, he has not experienced another tying-up episode!

RE-LEVE is a high-calorie, low-starch feed specifically formulated for horses with a history of tying-up. Another key component for horses that suffer from tying-up is vitamin E. KER’s Nano-E is a natural source of vitamin E that is a vital antioxidant for overall health.

“I noticed improvement after about a month,” she said. “His coat had more shine to it and his topline and weight came back. He looked even better than his old self!”

“I love the fact that his feed and vitamin E supplement come from the same company,” said Lindsey. “I highly recommend KER products!”

Are you interested in finding the right supplement for your horse? Contact the nutrition experts at Kentucky Equine Research today!


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