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This is likely to be the busiest week for the WEG 2018 feed and forage team. Four flights of horses will be arriving to the venue from the airport. The addition of extra crew members and delivery carts has improved the process overall.

The Feed Office is often a groom’s first stop when they arrive on the venue. Our trailer is a mini equine United Nations, with grooms, managers, and vets from multiple teams and disciplines mingling and placing orders. Those with questions pop in for advice. When an occasional language barrier arises, we can usually crowd-source a translator by asking the assembled group if anyone speaks the required language. This sometimes requires a telephone chain of a few helpers (and sometimes Google) to get from the source to English!

WEG 2018 feed orderSome orders arrive on paper. These are usually clear, but in one instance we had quantities listed in what looked like a backward “7” and a Pi symbol. We were a little stumped until another rep from the same team explained that those meant 2 and 3!


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