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Whether your horse is traveling, adjusting to a new home, exercising more, or thriving as a pasture ornament, it is important to meet its nutrient requirements.

Developed by Kentucky Equine Research (KER), MicroSteed™ Ration Wizard makes choosing the appropriate feed type and amount for your horse a simple process. The program uses a detailed description of the horse to determine its nutrient requirements, then recommends appropriate feeds. You can also contact a KER nutrition advisor directly for a custom analysis and report.

MicroSteed’s specially designed graphs and tables clearly illustrate how each ration component contributes to the diet and to the horse’s requirement for each nutrient. Additionally, horse owners can request help with their ration to interact with equine feed specialists or KER staff.

MicroSteed is available as a web-based Ration Wizard for horse owners and as a detailed software for feed manufacturers, veterinarians, and select independent consultants. To try MicroSteed Ration Wizard or request more information on software for advanced ration evaluation and diet manipulation, visit our website.


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