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Horse laying down in sand

Equine Motor Neuron Disease

...vitamin E. Horses removed from pasture tend to deplete the stored vitamin E after about 18 months, and unsupplemented animals may develop deficiency signs after this length of time. It...
Horse exercising on high-speed treadmill

Kentucky Equine Research Conference Wrap-Up

...30 years with specific emphasis on vitamin E, as research conducted in his laboratory has found that water-soluble natural vitamin E, such as that found in the product Nano-E®, is...
Fat chestnut horse

Diet Adjustments Provide Relief for PSSM Horses metabolism that appears to occur during aerobic exercise,” she said. Balanced vitamins and minerals. Horses on all-forage diets require vitamin and mineral supplementation for optimal health. “A ration balancer...
Horse eating grain

Cobalt in Equine Diets

...vitamin B12 from manure or manure-contaminated feed sources. Ruminants are able to absorb vitamin B12 synthesized in the rumen. Vitamin B12 is important for energy production and formation of red...
Stallion playing in paddock

Support Stallion Fertility with Targeted Supplementation

Optimum fertility for stallions can be supported by correct nutrition and targeted supplementation with specific vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 (long-chain) fatty acids. Selenium is important for testicular function. It...
Vet In Discussion With Horse Owner

Fit to be Tied: Part One

...tying-up is the increased generation of free radicals from oxidative metabolism associated with exercise. Selenium, acting via the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, and vitamin E, acting within the lipid component of...
Weanlings in field

Feeding the Weanling Requires Careful Consideration not require supplemental grain to assist in body weight gain. However, feeding these foals a low intake (one pound per foal per day), low-calorie source of vitamins and minerals...
Equine nutrition research blood sample at KER Performance Center.

Integrating Nanoparticles into Equine Nutrition

...and Improving feed efficiency and gastrointestinal health. Kentucky Equine Research’s Nano-E embraces the use of nanotechnology to deliver vitamin E, a powerful dietary antioxidant, to horses. “Vitamin E cannot be...
Pouring oil

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation Provides Significant Benefits oil, both sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin E content of the diets was similar, and exceeded NRC vitamin E requirements for growing horses. Red blood cell membranes were...
Woman inspecting horse's hoof

Off-Season Hoof Care for Horses

...chock-full of vitamin E, a protective nutrient known as an antioxidant that can counteract the destructive effects of free radicals. Winter diets sometimes lack vitamin E because hay loses much...
Veterinarian performing a neurologic exam on a horse.

Diagnosing, Differentiating Equine Neurological Diseases pasture or adequate vitamin E levels. “Kentucky Equine Research offers an incredibly bioavailable vitamin E supplement that features nanodispersion technology. Nano-E is rapidly absorbed by the horse and can...
Chestnut mare grazes with nursing foal

Boosting Broodmare Immune Systems

...formulation of vitamin E and Preserve PS (Preserve in Australia), a natural-source vitamin E in combination with other antioxidants, including selenium and vitamin C. In addition to benefits from feeding...
Bags of corn

Feeding Horses: Just the Basics

...class, developmental stage, and use if feeding directions for the product are followed. Vitamins These nutrients are needed to keep various body systems functioning properly. Some vitamins need to be...

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation May Reduce Oxidative Damage of Cells, Tissues oil to provide 60 mg omega-3s per kilogram of body weight, assuming dietary vitamin E requirements are met.” Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, “elevated vitamin E status in horses...
Drowsy horse standing over stall guard

Feeding Horses with Neurologic Disease

...myelopathy, and equine motor neuron disease, have been shown to be caused by vitamin E deficiency or to improve with vitamin E supplementation. Many veterinarians prescribe vitamin E supplementation for...

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