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Fortified Feed, Ration Balancer, or Vitamin and Mineral Supplement for Horses: Which Do I Choose?

...recommendation. Some sample diets can be found here. Vitamin and mineral supplements. Though similar, vitamin and mineral supplements are not the same as ration balancers. They typically do not contain...
Vitamin D

Is Your Horse Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin D plays many important roles in the physiology of the horse, such as enabling calcium absorption and maintaining bone health. Several studies also show that vitamin D supports the...

Feeding a Metabolic Horse: A Close Look at Ration Components

...risk of hyperinsulinemia-associated laminitis, the focus of feeding programs for EMS horses should be to reduce body weight and minimize the insulin response while providing adequate protein, vitamin, and mineral...
Thin horse grazing in pasture

Muscle Changes in Horses with Vitamin E-Responsive Myopathy

...low muscle concentrations of vitamin E. Two horses had low muscle vitamin E concentrations despite having either normal or high serum vitamin E concentration. Horses were treated symptomatically and with...
vitamin E for horses

Unique Delivery System Maximizes Vitamin E Absorption

Vitamin E is one of only two important vitamins that a horse cannot produce itself and therefore it must be provided in the diet. This vitamin requires a small amount...
Horses in pasture with fall leaves

Vitamin E and Selenium Status in Horses

...have shown that natural vitamin E is more bioavailable than synthetic vitamin E and significantly raises both serum and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of α-tocopherol compared to synthetic vitamin E. Vitamin...
Weanlings in field

Vitamin K: Essential for Bone Development in Horses

Vitamin K is not one vitamin, but a group of substances with similar structures and actions. Vitamin K1(phylloquinone) is found in grass and other green, leafy plants, while vitamin K2...
Close-up of black stallion head

Vitamin E Requirements in Stallions

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant, as are selenium and vitamin C. Nutrient Requirements of Horses (Sixth Edition, 2007) recommends 500 IU of vitamin E per day for 1100-pound (500-kg)...
Horses in barn

Vitamin D for Respiratory Health in Horses

Recent research describes unique vitamin D dynamics in horses and confirms that the nutrient plays an important role in bone health. Studies indicate that the benefits of vitamin D extend...
Mare and foal in pasture

Vitamin A Important for Growth in Young Horses

...systemic effects of vitamin A on growth, as well as the poor growth usually associated with vitamin A deficiency, are related to its effects on growth hormone secretion. Vitamin A...
Paint mare with foal nursing

Low Vitamin D Levels and Foals

...associated with multi-organ failure. Low vitamin D levels have also been identified in sick foals. To better understand the role of vitamin D in sick neonates, Kamir** measured vitamin D,...
Foal laying in field

Vitamin E Deficiency and Central Nervous System Damage in Foals

...Three groups of foals were studied: those genetically susceptible to eNAD subjected to vitamin E deficiency; healthy foals subjected to vitamin E deficiency; and healthy foals supplemented with vitamin E....
Close-up of horse gazing

Role of Vitamin E in Equine Nerve and Muscle Health

...muscle loss? Vitamin E plays an important role in muscle and nerve function, which likely explains why the nutrient is commonly fed to performance horses. Vitamin E works in concert...
Horses eating alfalfa hay

Vitamin K in Equine Diets

The major function of vitamin K is associated with blood coagulation. In fact, the Danish discoverer of the vitamin named it after its function “koagulation” (Danish spelling). The vitamin is...
Running haflinger mare with foal

Vitamin C in Growing and Mature Horses

Vitamin C’s well-publicized role as a powerful antioxidant overshadows the many other functions it has in the body. Perhaps the most important role of vitamin C for the growing horse...

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