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Q&A: Appropriate Hay for a Mare with HYPP

We have a 12-year-old Quarter Horse mare that is HYPP N/H. We try to find locally grown hay with low potassium, but that’s hard to do. We have access to a hay that is about one-third each of orchardgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and timothy. Would this be okay to feed her? We also feed rice bran…

Q&A: Can I Push Growth in a Yearling Without Problems?

I have a yearling gelding that I handle daily but ask nothing from in the way of exercise. He weighs 630 lb (290 kg) and is thin, probably a body condition score of 4. He is stalled 8 hours of the day and turned out the remainder of the time. He has no health issues,…

Suspected MFM in an Imported Warmblood

I recently imported a six-year-old Warmblood gelding. He arrived slightly undermuscled but otherwise in good condition. His diet consists of 5 lb (2.3 kg) of a high-fat performance feed and 2 lb (0.9 kg) of a fiber-based feed in addition to grass hay. Over the last few months, he has become very resistant to moving…

Q&A: Choosing a Diet for a Gelding with Inflammatory Airway Disease

I own a six-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding that weighs 1,200 lb (545 kg) and stands 17.2 hands (178 cm). He is in moderate body condition. He is maintained in a stall 18 hours a day and kept outside or in work the remainder of the day. He was recently diagnosed with inflammatory airway disease (IAD).…

Q&A: Clover Slobbers in Horses

My horse slobbers uncontrollably when he is allowed access to clover pastures. What causes this, and is there anything I can do to prevent it? Should I worry?

Q&A: Diet Advice for Insulin Dysregulation

I own a 17-year-old, 14-hand (142 cm) Paso Fino gelding that’s in moderate body condition. Pete is ridden three days a week at a distance of 6-10 miles. Right now, he’s fed grass hay and a ration balancer. In the past, Pete’s had laminitis and gut problems, which makes spring a worrisome time for me.…

Q&A: Difference in Powdered and Pelleted Electrolytes

What is the difference between powdered and pelleted electrolytes?

Q&A: Electrolyte Replacement in an Endurance Horse

I have an Arabian gelding that just turned five years old. I am beginning to train for 50- and 100-mile rides (80-160 km), and I’d like to use Restore SR slow-release electrolyte. How far ahead of a training or competition ride should he receive it, and when should he receive it after a ride? His…

Q&A: Electrolytes for a Barrel-Racing Horse

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using electrolytes in a barrel-racing horse during a double-header rodeo?

Q&A: Electrolyte Selection and Use for Horses

Can you provide me some basic rules of electrolyte selection and use?

Q&A: Laminitis in Miniature Donkeys

How prone are miniature donkeys to laminitis? I have two stallions on 100 acres of Virginia pasture. They share the horses’ hay and are out constantly.

Q&A: HYPP and Colic in Horses

I have a 15-year-old Quarter Horse gelding whose pedigree traces to Impressive. He has bouts of colic four to five times a year since I’ve owned him, and I’ve had him about six years now. His AQHA registration papers note that he tested negative for hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP). I had bloodwork done last week,…

Q&A: Clay-Based Products and Diatomaceous Earth as Nutritional Supplements for Horses

I have recently started feeding a bentonite-clay-based mineral/sea salt product. Because the product is supposed to help with gastric ulcer prevention and help move toxins out of the hindgut, does this mean that other supplements, like probiotics and hoof-growth enhancers, are flushed from the system, too? Does it affect the absorption of other substances? How…

Q&A: Feeding a Horse with PSSM

I have a nine-year-old Quarter Horse gelding that weighs about 900 lb (410 kg). He’s moderately fleshy, so it would be best if he lost some weight. He has been diagnosed with polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM), and he suffers from tying-up episodes during stressful times, generally when he is moved to a different stable. He’s…

Q&A: Event Horse Is Too Lethargic

I own a 13-year-old Hanoverian gelding that I compete as a novice-level event horse. He is stabled 17 hours a day and given access to pasture 7 hours each day. He is given a mixture of two feeds, an 11% protein sweet feed and a senior feed, morning and night. He also gets beet pulp,…

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