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Horses grazing in pasture

Vitamin D in Horse Diets: Research Review

...that what we thought we knew about horse’s dietary requirements for vitamin D might not, in fact, be correct or complete.” Key points in the review on vitamin D included...
vitamin E for horses

What Is the Best Way to Supplement Horses with Vitamin E?

...5,000 IU of vitamin E in one of three forms: synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate), natural-source vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol acetate), and natural vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) in a micellized water-soluble...
Show jumper clearing fence

Natural Vitamin E: Squelch Oxidative Stress, Boost Inflammatory Response in Equine Athletes

...control diet plus: (1) 1,000 IU synthetic vitamin E; (2) 4,000 IU synthetic vitamin E, or (3) 4,000 IU of natural vitamin E. A week after supplementation began, horses started...
Fat chestnut horse

Vitamin K and Insulin Resistance in Horses

...resistance. “Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that is well known for its role in blood coagulation, but vitamin K is also important in bone metabolism, immune function, programmed cell...
Liz Halliday-Sharp and Fernhill By Night

Choose Natural Vitamin E for Exercising Horses

...vitamin E can do all of this, though the type and amount of vitamin E used remains critical.* “Supplemental vitamin E comes in one of two forms—natural or synthetic. In...
Horse looking out stable window

Stalled Horses May Need Extra Vitamin D

...such as show horses that are kept indoors, may benefit from dietary supplementation with vitamin D. A concentrate fortified with vitamin D would satisfy the requirement for this vitamin, as...
Horses eating alfalfa hay

Vitamin C for Horses

...the vitamin for optimal health? Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, plays several roles in the horse’s body, including involvement in hormone synthesis, bone calcification, and antioxidant functions. Unlike humans, horses...
Mare grazing while foal naps

Vitamin E and Degenerative Spinal Cord Diseases in Horses

Widely touted for its powerful antioxidant benefits, vitamin E influences an array of body systems. All horses, regardless of age, require daily vitamin E to support essentially every cell in...
Drowsy horse standing over stall guard

Vitamin E Deficient Myopathy

...EMND. Diagnosis of vitamin E deficient myopathy involves measuring vitamin E concentrations in serum and muscle, and special staining and microscopic examination of sacrocaudalis muscle biopsies. Vitamin E concentration in...
Foal nursing

Healthy Skeletal Systems in Foals: The Vitamin K Factor

...dietary form of vitamin K.) In this study, oral administration of vitamin K in mares did not result in changes to vitamin K concentrations in foal plasma, though researchers felt...
Blanketed Horse in Pasture

Do Blanketed Horses Get Enough Vitamin D?

Horses derive vitamin D through the feedstuffs they ingest, but horses can also synthesize vitamin D when their skin is exposed to sunlight. Under natural conditions, grazing horses are exposed...
Racehorse in training

Vitamin E with Coenzyme Q10: Combine for Peak Antioxidant Effect horses, researchers recruited 40 healthy, untrained leisure horses. Those horses were divided into one of four treatment groups: Unsupplemented control; Vitamin E-only group, receiving natural vitamin E oil at...
Horse running in pasture with cattle in background

Perception of Vitamin E and Selenium on Equine Muscle Problems showed that the riders’ perception of muscle problems was unrelated to supplementation with vitamin E or selenium. It was unclear why vitamin E concentrations dropped despite supplementation. This study...
Paint horse foal running in pasture

Bone Growth in Young Horses: The Importance of Vitamin K

Probably best known for its blood-clotting properties, vitamin K serves other functions in the horse’s body. Another important role of vitamin K involves bone metabolism. Osteocalcin, a blood-clotting protein also...

No Causative Gene Found for Vitamin E Deficiency Disease in Horses

...there is no effective treatment once eNAD/EDM develops. “Kentucky Equine Research offers a highly bioavailable, natural-source vitamin E supplement, Nano-E. This is a research-proven, water-soluble product that optimizes vitamin E...

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