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Kentucky Equine Research continually conducts studies at its 150-acre research facility. Some of these results are presented at industry conferences or shared in peer-reviewed journals. Review some of our findings from the past 30 years below.
January 01, 1999

Vitamin E And Selenium – How Important Are They?

Crandell KM. 1999. Vitamin E and selenium – How important are they? Trail Blazer Magazine, July/Aug. p. 42-45.

January 01, 1999

How Much Do You Really Know About Calcium

Crandell KM. 1999. How much do you really know about calcium. Trail Blazer Magazine, March/April. p. 31-33.

January 01, 1998

Fat-Soluble Vitamins And The Performance Horse

Crandell KM. 1998. Fat soluble vitamins and the performance horse. In: J. D. Pagan (Ed.) Advances in Equine Nutrition. pp. 215-228. Nottingham University Press. Nottingham, United Kingdom.

January 01, 1998

The Importance Of Vitamin A To The Equine Diet

Crandell KM. 1998. The importance of vitamin A to the equine diet. World Equine Veterinary Review. Vol 3/1:12-17.

January 01, 1998

Advances In Equine Nutrition

Pagan, J.D. 1998. Advances in Equine Nutrition. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK. Advances in Equine Nutrition is a compilation of selected papers from past KER nutrition conferences. These papers cover a broad range of topics and contain a wealth of information related to equine nutrition, veterinary medicine, and exercise physiology. Included is a mixture of […]

January 01, 1998

The Effect Of Pre-exercise B-vitamin Supplementation On Metabolic Response To Exercise In Thoroughbred Horses

Performance horses are often administered large quantities of B-Vitamins before exercise in an attempt to improve performance.

January 01, 1998

Electrolytes And The Performance Horse

In the horse electrolytes play an important role in maintaining osmotic pressure, fluid balance, and nerve and muscle activity.

January 01, 1997

Daily ß-carotene Supplementation Of Vitamin A Depleted Mares

Greiwe-Crandell KM, SD Kronfeld, LS Gay, D Sklan, PA Harris. 1997. Daily ß-carotene supplementation of vitamin A depleted mares. Proc. 15th Equine Nutr. and Physiol. Symp., Fort Worth, TX. Pp 378-381.

January 01, 1997

Vitamin A Repletion In Thoroughbred Mares With Retinyl Palmitate Or Beta-carotene

Forty-five Thoroughbred mares used in an 8-mo depletion study were kept for an additional 20 mo on the same three forage diets (15 mares each): 2-yr-old orchardgrass hay and vitamin A-free concentrate on a drylot (HC); pasture, orchardgrass/alfalfa hay, and vitamin A-free concentrate (PHC); or pasture and orchardgrass/alfalfa hay only (PH).

January 01, 1997

Fat-soluble Vitamins And The Performance Horse

Crandell KM. 1997. Fat-soluble vitamins and the performance horse. Kentucky Equine Research Equine Nutrition Conference, Lexington KY. Feeding vitamin supplements to horses has become commonplace. There are questions about the necessity of this practice, and the dangers involved. Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) in particular can be a problem because of their ability to […]


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