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Taking an x-ray of a horse's front leg
June 21, 2021

Bone Cysts: New Surgical Technique Described

A novel approach involving absorbable implants may provide owners a more reliable solution to managing bone cysts. Read more
Vet taking x-ray of stifle.
June 07, 2021

Joint Care: Provide Support After Wounds, Infection

Prompt diagnosis and treatment of joint infections minimizes damage and often, though not always, prevents career- and life-threatening consequences. Read more
Horse and rider standing in arena
March 12, 2021

Health Considerations for Retired Racehorses

Researchers followed off-track Thoroughbreds to better understand the prevalence of health issues like ulcers and joint wear and tear. Read more
Vet lunging a chestnut horse.
February 22, 2021

Ultrasound Exams in Injured Horses: Take Off the Weight

Equine researchers found that lifting the limb being examined can reveal injuries that wouldn’t be observed on a weight-bearing Read more
Veterinarian reviewing an x-ray of a horse's leg
February 01, 2021

Support Bone Remodeling to Avoid Fractures in Athletic Horses

Bone remodeling or turnover is the process by which osteoclasts break down certain components of bone while osteoblasts deposit Read more
Racehorse walking on a farm path with a pony horse.
January 20, 2021

Understanding Athletic Injuries to Improve Equine Safety, Welfare

To improve racehorse safety, a team of veterinarians interviewed trainers to collect data on injuries their horses sustained during Read more
Stretching a horse's hind leg during an exam
November 23, 2020

Sidewinder Gait in Horses: Cause Investigated

A sidewinder gait is characterized by disjointed movement in which the hindquarters of the horse drift to one side Read more
Horse's legs as it canters
October 14, 2020

Puncture Wounds and Synovitis in Horses: Blame the Shrubs?

When horses jump Blackthorn hedges, as they may during foxhunting, the thorns can penetrate the skin that covers joints, Read more
Close-up of a show pony's legs trotting in an arena
September 28, 2020

New Tool Helps Horse Owners Recognize Lameness

Subtle lameness can be challenging for horse owners to diagnose. Veterinarians recently developed a tool using 24 behaviors to Read more
Close-up of horse's legs
September 18, 2020

Regenerative Medicine for Equine Injuries, Lameness

Researchers investigates using special protiens found in stem cells called secretomes to shorten the time between injury and treatment. Read more

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