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Kentucky Equine Research continually conducts studies at its 150-acre research facility. Some of these results are presented at industry conferences or shared in peer-reviewed journals. Review some of our findings from the past 30 years below.
January 01, 1997

Vitamin A Repletion In Thoroughbred Mares With Retinyl Palmitate Or Beta-carotene

Forty-five Thoroughbred mares used in an 8-mo depletion study were kept for an additional 20 mo on the same three forage diets (15 mares each): 2-yr-old orchardgrass hay and vitamin A-free concentrate on a drylot (HC); pasture, orchardgrass/alfalfa hay, and vitamin A-free concentrate (PHC); or pasture and orchardgrass/alfalfa hay only (PH).

January 01, 1995

The Effect Of Chromium Supplementation On Metabolic Response To Exercise In Thoroughbred Horses

Chromium is essential nutrient in humans and at this time its only known role is that is a component of the glucose tolerant factor (GTF) which potentiates the action of insulin. This paper discusses the study performed to determine the affect of Chromium supplementation on metabolic response in exercised trained thoroughbreds.

January 01, 1995

The Influence of Time of Feeding on Exercise Response in Thoroughbreds Fed a Fat-Supplemented or High-Carbohydrate Diet

Recent research has demonstrated that feeding supplement fat to thoroughbred horses altered blood glucose and insulin levels compared to a grain based diet and these changes influenced substrate selection during a standardized exercise test.

January 01, 1995

The Long-Term Effects Of Feeding Fat To Two-year-old Thoroughbreds In Training

Pagan, J.D., I. Burger and S.G. Jackson. 1998. The long-term effects of feeding fat to two-year-old Thoroughbreds in training. In: J.D. Pagan (Ed.) Advances in Equine Nutrition. pp. 281-288. Nottingham University Press. Nottingham, United Kingdom. The following seven month study was conducted using 12 two year old Thoroughbreds to evaluate the long-term effects of feeding […]

January 01, 1993

Vitamin A Depletion In Thoroughbreds: A Comparison Of Pasture And Non-pasture Feeding Regimes

Greiwe-Crandell KM, DS Kronfeld, GA Morrow, W Teigs. 1993. Vitamin A depletion in Thoroughbreds: a comparison of pasture and non-pasture feeding regimes. Proc. 13th Equine Nutr. and Physiol. Symp., Gainesville, FL.

January 01, 1993

The Effect Of Different Fat Sources On Exercise Performance In Thoroughbred Racehorses

Energy is the factor that should be considered first when evaluating the nutrition of the performance horse, since it is the factor most likely influenced by exercise. A number of studies have evaluated different sources of energy for performance horses. Different levels of fat and protein have been fed to horses in an attempt to alter performance.

January 01, 1993

The Effect Of Early Weaning On Growth And Development In Thoroughbred Foals

Thoroughbred foals raised in the United States typically remain with their dams for four to six months before they are weaned. Some breeders supplement nursing foals with additional feed while others feel it is better not to feed foals separately until they are weaned. If a foal is orphaned early in its life, then it is either raised on an artificial milk replacer or placed with a foster “nurse mare”.

January 01, 1992

Phosphorus And Selenium Depletion In Thoroughbred Mares And Weanlings

Observations on the mineral status of mares and foals have been made in the course of a study which was concerned primarily with the influence of beta-carotene and vitamin A on reproductive efficiency and growth.

January 01, 1988

Exercise Physiology Research – Its Importance To The Thoroughbred Racehorse Trainer

Pagan, J.D. 1988. Exercise physiology research – Its importance to the Thoroughbred racehorse trainer. In: Proc. Florida Horseman’s Seminar. Ocala, Florida. pp. 23-29.


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